Exchanges and Returns

You can return your order up to 30 days after receipt and we will ensure that the purchase amount is in your account within five working days after receipt of the return shipment.

Easy returns in three simple steps:

Step 1: Fill in the return form

You can request it by sending us an e-mail via the contact form. You will receive it from us as soon as your return shipment has been registered.

Step 2: Send your order

Send the items together with the completed return form to the address on the return form. We send our products directly from our supplier abroad. The returns must therefore also be sent directly back to our supplier. Take into account any high costs.

Make sure that you provide the package with a Track and Trace code. As the sender, you are responsible and we do not want any misunderstandings to arise.

Step 3: Receive the purchase amount in your bank account

Once we have received the package, we will ensure that the purchase amount is back in your bank account within five working days.